Safe Ministry
Everyone has the right to be safe
As part of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Sydney, St Andrew’s Cathedral is committed to protecting and promoting the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people – especially those who are vulnerable within our own church community.
Our leaders are trained in Safe Ministry
Any ministry staff, including the Director of the Cathedral Choir, and all leaders of kids and youth ministry at the Cathedral have a verified Working with Children Check (WWCC) and have completed the Safe Ministry Course (with refresher training required every three years). Adult choristers also must hold a verified WWCC.
We also encourage those working with vulnerable adults to complete Safe Ministry training.
The Safe Ministry Course is our Diocese’s best practice in equipping those working with children (and other vulnerable people) with the knowledge and understanding they need to build a culture of safe ministry. Contents include:
Identifying and appointing appropriate leaders for Christian ministry
Safe practices to protect vulnerable people
Recognising and reporting abuse
Providing a safe environment for everyone
We observe best practice in Safe Ministry
To ensure the safety of children and vulnerable people, the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney, in conjunction with the Anglican Church of Australia, will:
Carefully recruit and train its clergy and church workers,
Adopt and encourage safe ministry practices amongst its clergy and church workers,
Respond promptly to each concern raised about the behaviour of its clergy and church workers,
Offer pastoral support to any person who has suffered abuse,
Provide supervision and pastoral accountability.
Comprehensive information can be found in the Safe Ministry Blueprint for Churches, published by our Diocese.
If you have any questions about safe ministry at St Andrew’s Cathedral, please get in touch, and ask for the Safe Ministry Rep or the Dean.
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash
To report abuse
Please contact the Police (Call 000), and/or the Office of Safe Ministry within the Diocese of Sydney, via the 1800 774 945 report line, or report in writing by secure form. All reports are acted on promptly, although it is important to note that making initial contact does not commit you to anything. Our contact people will be glad to talk to you, give you full explanations and answer any questions you might have before you decide what you want to do.
Our Code of Conduct
Our Code of conduct for Clergy and Churchworkers (including volunteer leaders) is Faithfulness in Service (English) | 忠心尽职侍奉效劳(Mandarin)
If any of these links on this page are not working try the Anglican Diocese of Sydney Safe Ministry homepage.