Facilities & Accessibility

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 

1 Corinthians 12:12

Disabled Parking and Public Transport

There is limited parking on the front forecourt of the Cathedral, entered off Bathurst Street. We note this entire space is shared with pedestrians.

There is one marked spot for disabled parking. We encourage regular members to leave other spots on the forecourt available for those with a disability or other mobility issues (e.g. those with prams, or the aged).

We are adjacent the Town Hall stop for the Sydney Light Rail and Sydney Railways (which has lift access to and from stations).  

We note that care should be taken walking or wheeling across the pebble-crete external surfaces surrounding the Cathedral, which are sometimes uneven.


Wheelchair access is available at the south-east corner of the Cathedral, adjacent to the disabled car parking spot. A ramp can also be placed at the northern doors on the Town Hall side of the Cathedral to assist wheelchair access. Smaller wheel chairs and walkers can also enter through the Conservatory adjacent the north doors.  

Inside, there is reasonable flat or ramp access to most parts of the Cathedral, although narrow width of passage or the presence of steps can sometimes be restrictive at some points. 

There are spaces marked for wheelchairs in both the side aisles of the Cathedral.

We are willing to bring the elements of the Lord’s Supper to you, if you indicate to a minister or an usher, and likewise with a cuppa after the service, if that helps. Likewise if you find it difficult to access to the stations serving refreshments

There is a lift allowing access to all levels of the Chapter House, accessed through the atrium.

Accessible Toilets

You can find accessible toilets (built to current standards) available off entry from the north doors. There is another accessible toilet in the Dean Cowper Hall (Lower Chapter House) adjacent the lift.

These bathrooms also includes a baby change table. Please inquire for directions as needed.

Large-Print Orders of Service

These are available upon request at entry, in limited quantities, during all church services in the cathedral.

Quieter Spaces

Quieter spaces can be found in the atrium to the south of the Cathedral and sometimes in the ‘chapel’ in the north-east corner of the Cathedral.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

A Hearing-Aid Loop

There is a hearing-aid loop installed in the cathedral. Please sit in the first five rows of the cathedral in the main central body of the building. Please switch your hearing aid to the ‘T-Switch’ setting.

Parents’ Room & AV Feed

Both in the conservatory adjacent the north doors, and in the creche room downstairs in the Dean Cowper Hall, we have spaces for parents or carers to look after young children, with an audio-visual feed and volume control available. There is also a change table available in the accessible toilets near both sites.

Seating and Comfort

As a heritage building, the Cathedral is required to have pews, but they are padded to soften them a little. We are currently purchasing some wooden armchairs, to match the pews, in order to assist those who need extra assistance with sitting or standing.

Data Projection

Live-stream cameras broadcast the service to televisions on pillars where line of sight is partially obscured. We use as large a font as is practical, on a contrasting background, to assist with clearer vision for song lyrics and prayers that are projected at bottom of screens.

Assistance and Resources

Lay Canons, Cathedral Welcomers and Caretakers will all attempt to assist you with particular needs, as best they can. 

We are grateful to the Social Issues Committee for the “Everyone Welcome: Accessible Church For All” guidelines. You can access the guidelines in both 12 and 18 point font here.

We realise there are still many things we can do to overcome obstacles that may prevent people with disability from attending or from participating more fully in the life of our church.

If you have other suggestions for improvements at St Andrew’s, please contact us via email <cathedral@sydney.anglican.asn.au> or via phone, 02 9261 1661.