Music events at the Cathedral
Choral Services at the Cathedral, sung by the Cathedral Choir, Term 4, 2024
Advent Sunday, 1st December
10.30am Morning Prayer with Cantata 140 (Cathedral Choir & Orchestra)
JS Bach: Sleepers awake- a voice is calling! (Wachet auf, ruft uns doe stimme)
Penelope Mills- soprano, Kent McIntosh- tenor, Richard Anderson- bass
Hymns: O Come, O Come Immanuel (Veni Immanuel)
Wake, O wake, for night is flying (Wachet auf)
Lo! He come with clouds descending (Helmsley)
Preacher: Rev Jonathan Adams
Monday 2 December
5.15pm Choral Evensong (Cathedral Choristers)
Plainsong responses
Psalm 16
Dyson in C minor
Anthem: May the road rise up: Rose
Preacher: The Dean
Thursday 5 December
1.10pm Organ Recital - Philip Reichardt (All Saints Hunter’s Hill)
5.15pm Last Choral Evensong of Term (Cathedral Choir)
Introit: The Advent Prose
Ebdon Responses
Psalm 100
Antiphon: O Sapienter
Wood in F (Collegium Regale)
Anthem: Zion at thy shining gates: Guest
Preacher: Rev. Mathew Moffitt
Hymn: O come, O come, Immanuel (Veni Immanuel)
Sunday 15 December
10.30am Holy Communion (Cathedral Choir)
Hymns: O Come, O Come Immanuel (Veni Immanuel)
Of the Father’s heart begotten (Corde Natus)
Lo! He come with clouds descending (Helmsley)
Anthems: A sound of singing: Archer
Zion at thy shining gates: Guest
E’en so, Lord Jesus: Manz
The Road Home: Paulus
Thursday 19th December
7pm Festival of Lessons and Carols (Cathedral Choir & Brass)
Congregational Carols & music by Brumby, Whitbourn, Rudolph, Nixon, Loader & Edwards.
Preacher: The Archbishop of Sydney
Sunday 22 December
10.30am Morning Prayer (Cathedral Choir & Brass)
Hymns: Joy to the word (Antioch)
God rest ye merry, gentlemen
Christians awake! Salute the happy morn (Yorkshire)
Anthems: Gabriel to Mary came: Loader
The First Nowell: Chilcott
No small wonder: Edwards
Christmas Eve 24 December
Carol Services 6pm, 8pm & 11pm (Cathedral Choir & Brass)
Congregational Carols & music by Adam, Edwards, Chilcott, Brumby, Rudolph & Wilby
Preacher: The Dean
Christmas Day
10am Morning Prayer (Cathedral Choir & Brass)
Carols: O Come all ye faithful
Joy to the world
Hark! The herald angels sing
Anthems: The First Nowell: Chilcott
See amid the winter’s snow: Holst, arr. Wilberg
A sound of singing: Archer
Preacher: The Archbishop
Choral services resume on Thursday 6th February 2025
Past online services can also be found HERE
The Cathedral Choir’s videos were made during COVID-19 to help others worship online. They can be found on their YouTube page.
Please subscribe. We look forward to seeing you in person at one of our services.
Facebook: @saccchoirsyd Instagram: standrewscathedralchoir
The Very Rev Sandy Grant, Dean of Sydney
Mr Ross Cobb, Organist & Director of Music
Mr Sean Henderson, Assistant Organist
Mr Alistair Nelson, Assistant Organist
Mr Samuel Giddy, Assistant Organist