Music events at the Cathedral
Choral Services at the Cathedral, sung by the Cathedral Choir, Term 1 2025
Sunday 16 March
10.30am Holy Communion - Cathedral Choir
Hymns: Praise, my soul (Laudes anima)
How deep the Father’s love
Jesu, lover of my soul (Aberystwth)
Preacher: The Dean
Anthems: Let all mortal flesh: Bairstow
The Lord is full of compassion: Moore
Miserere Mei: Allegri
Prelude in E minor, BWV 548: JS Bach
Monday 17 March
5.15pm Choral Evensong - Cathedral Choristers
Introit: The Lent Prose iii
Boughen responses
Psalm 52
Wadely in Eb
Anthem: O world, I would now leave you: JS Bach
Hymn: Sing, my, tongue, the glorious battle (Picardy)
Preacher: Rev Jonathan Adams
Thursday 20 March
1.10pm Organ Recital by Dominic Perisinnotto (St Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane)
5.15pm Choral Evensong - Cathedral Choir
Introit: The Lent Prose iii
Plainsong responses
Psalm 102
Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Hear my prayer: Purcell
Hymn: Sing, my tongue (Picardy)
Preacher: Rev Brett Hall
Sunday 23 March
10.30am Morning Prayer with Bach’s Cantata no 115
The Cathedral Choir s & Orchestra
Angela Brun, soprano, Mollie Galvin, alto,
Kent McIntosh, tenor, Richard Anderson, bass
Hymns: Praise to the Lord (Lobe den Herren), O Sacred Head (Passion Chorale), Love Divine, all loves excelling (Blaenwern)
Preacher: Rev Jonathan Adams
Monday 24 March
5.15pm Choral Evensong for the Feats of The Annunication - Cathedral Choir
Introit: Dixit Maria: Hassler
Plainsong responses
Psalm 131
Stanford in G
Anthem: Bogorodiste Devo: Rachmaninov
Hymn: Tell out, my soul (Woodlands)
Preacher: Rev Dr Chase Kuhn (Rector, St Mathias, Centennial Park)
Past online services can also be found HERE
The Cathedral Choir’s videos were made during COVID-19 to help others worship online. They can be found on their YouTube page.
Please subscribe. We look forward to seeing you in person at one of our services.
Facebook: @saccchoirsyd Instagram: standrewscathedralchoir
The Very Rev Sandy Grant, Dean of Sydney
Mr Ross Cobb, Organist & Director of Music
Mr Sean Henderson, Assistant Organist
Mr Samuel Giddy, Assistant Organist