Spring into Mission


Friends in Christ, back at our AGM, I reported that the Cathedral Staff and Chapter brainstormed some crazy ideas for advancing gospel ministry here. We then narrowed down onto a few not-so-crazy ideas.

One included an annual two-week period of heightened mission in September with evangelistic preaching on the Sunday and midweek outreach activities. Paul's words in Colossians give as good a rationale as any:

And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. [Colossians 4:3-6]

We ought to pray for open doors and for clear gospel preaching.

And we can look for good gospel opportunities to speak with grace to those outside God's kingdom. 

We picked early September, because it was equi-distant between Easter and Christmas, and gave us another time to 'turn the heat up' on sharing the gospel, as we emerge into Spring. By doing it the same time every year, we hope regulars will get the hang.

However, I confess this year will really just be a 'trial run' warm up. That's because of a number of staff changes meaning we are down on person-power:
 - One Assistant Minister, Malcolm Gill, left near the start of the year.
 - His replacement, Jonathan Adams, won't start till January 2024.
 - Ruth Schroeter has announced her resignation for mid-October, and has some annual leave before then.
 - Helen Simpson has completed her one-year contract with us in the front office.
 - We are just beginning to search for replacements in those latter roles. 
 - We expect soon to announce a new Community Chaplain for the needy of the city to commence early in 2024.

This is right when we have a number of major projects on the boil, such as raising funding for the Cathedral's Community Garden! Please pray about these matters. 

But let me tell you how I hope the 'beta' September mission season will work... We'll take a little break from 1 John, for two weeks near the start of John Gospel:

  • Sunday 3 September - John 1:35-51 - "Be Like Andrew"

    • Come yourself, and get some practical help to be encouraged to invite others to check Jesus out for themselves.

  • Sunday 10 September - John 2:1-11 - "Jesus the Winemaker"

    • Invite friends to hear how the amazing episode of turning the water into wine gives us so much more than a "Good Time Jesus" who meets our needs. 

So could you start praying about someone you could invite to church on Sunday September 10? I am then scheduling a Simply Christianity course to start after school holidays in October. 

And in the mean time, perhaps you'd like to read this short article, "Inadequacy Is Compulsory in Evangelism", from Rebecca Manley Pippert.

Older readers will remember her as the author of the memorable title: "Out of the Saltshaker" which picked up Jesus' words about his disciples being the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), and reminded us that salt is useless unless it is in contact with whatever food needs to be flavoured or preserved. 

Her article here gives one part of the answer to the question: 

Why do many Christians sincerely believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most wonderful, liberating news God has ever given our weary planet, yet struggle to talk with others about it? 

Warmly in Christ,

Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney


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