Reading… The Life of Faith


Friends in Christ, this week, I want to encourage you with some snippets of theological wisdom from a new book by Peter Jensen, retired Archbishop and former Principal of Moore Theological College. 

Peter's book, from Matthias Media, is entitled, The Life of Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Based on his notes to first year students, but updated and applied to today's world, Dr Jensen said he wrote this to provide believers with the basics of Christian beliefs, so we can then go on to bigger discussions… inspired to worship God for the rest of our lives! 

Here's a few quotations that stood out to me, when i read it... 

“History, not philosophy, is the key to understanding God.”

“Once the secret of grace has been understood, it becomes determinative for every aspect of the Christian life.”

“Christianity is Christ. Without him it has nothing to offer to the world. He is its foundation and its touchstone. He is its gospel.”

“The ultimate redress of wrong in the world will occur when Christ returns; and there is a danger in thinking that we are responsible for setting up his kingdom here and now.”

"The new creation is from God, but he commits the reconciling word through which it comes to his human ambassadors"

“The very reason for the choice of faith as our key response to the gospel is faith's weakness. Faith is humility. But its strength is immense if it depends on the immensely strong.”

“The God who says "I will not acquit the wicked" (Exod 23:7) is the very one who, Paul says, "justifies the ungodly' (Rom 4:5). Between these two contradictory statements is the cross.”

“As part of such wonderful, life-changing news, "justification by faith" may sound rather formal and stilted. But it is embodied to perfection in Jesus himself, who only sought for faith in those who came to him…  What Paul taught, Jesus was.”

If you like, you can read those quotes in more of their context in a little "tweet thread" I've shared on the internet...

But I hope you’ve seen enough to see the book will be helpful to a newer Christian who wants to grasp the basics of biblical faith, and refreshing to the experienced Christian epecially with Peter's reflection questions at the end of each chapter. 

I will be attended the GAFCON (Global Anglican Futures conference) in Kigali after Easter, and I am encouraging every Australian delegate to take at least one copy to give away as a gift to a fellow Anglican from a developing nation. 

William Taylor, Rector, St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London wrote: 

"This is a magnificent book. There is gold on every page. For those who benefitted from the blessing of being taught by Peter Jensen at Moore College it will be a must-have—if only to remind of privileges once enjoyed. Those who missed such riches now can play catch up. Knowledge of God is the beautiful theme—through the Scriptures, in salvation, as Lord and by faith. This is no dry textbook. Every page drives towards practical knowledge of the living God. It will fill your mind, delight your soul and, above all, enrich your relationship with God."

This is a book to read, discuss and re-read. You can order direct from Matthias Media, or visit their store at the Moore College precinct at 19 King Street, Newtown.  

Warmly in Christ,

Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney


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Easter Services 2023