Meet Jesus


Friends in Christ, last Sunday, I observed that those inside the Town Hall and those protesting outside may think their political action is the most important thing inn the world. And we are glad to live in a democracy with freedoms of speech and assembly and religion. 

But we know that when we come to church, we are gathering with the Creator and Lord of all, all because of what the Lord Jesus has done for us! And nothing is more important than gathering to hear his word and to call on him in prayer. 

My motto for what we are doing together at the Cathedral is "introducing people to Jesus" (just like the Apostle Andrew did, after whom we are named.)

And the pastoral staff have determined that in the first half of each September, half way between Easter and Christmas, we will have a heightened time of mission. I am excited to say that this year our theme will be "Meet Jesus". We will focus on people in the Gospel of John, who met Jesus and had their lives changed.

Actor, author, speaker and designer, Simon Camilleri is booked to deliver an Epic Reading of John - the entire Gospel - in the late afternoon/evening of Saturday 7 September. This will be an amazing testimony to the Message of the Man who has changed our world: Jesus of Nazareth. Mark the date in your diary, or respond to the Facebook event.

And on Sundays during this period in September, we will have evangelistic preaching from John's Gospel, including the excellent Bishop Mwita from Tanzania in Africa. 

Here's the part you can play if you'd like to "be an Andrew" and help introduce peple to Jesus.  

  1. Over the next month, pray daily for two people you’d like to see come to know Jesus;

  2. Decide to invite people to one or more of the outreach events in September;

  3. Be ready to ask a friend if they would read John’s Gospel with you – you can use 'The Word 1-1' (so easy you can do it via app, or we have the books), or 'Uncover John' (prepared by AFES with 5 simple questions for 6 passages in John).

In John 4:39, it was said of the famous 'woman at the well':

Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in [Jesus] because of the woman’s testimony...

Would it be wonderful if we too could play a part in introducing people to Jesus.

Warmly in Christ,

Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney


Read the Bible with Children


Homelessness Week