Gregory once more!
Image courtesy Freely Photos
Friends in Christ, once again, I am looking forward to Easter services at the Cathedral. It's such a highlight of the year, theologically and experientially!
Indeed, following last week’s quote, here's another beautiful paragraph from the early church father, Gregory of Nazianzus, as we wonder at all Christ has done for us!
He took upon Himself the worse, to bestow on us the better;
He became poor that we, through His poverty, might become rich;
He took upon Him the form of a slave, to give us back our freedom;
He came down to lift us high;
He was tempted that we might gain victory;
He was shamed to glorify us;
He embraced death that He might give us salvation;
He ascended heavenwards that He might draw to Himself those who were lying prostrate, fallen through sin.Let us give all, let us offer all, to Him who gave Himself as the price of our redemption and our reconciliation.
But we can give Him nothing as precious as ourselves.Source: Oration 45 "The Second Oration on Easter", ch 24, via the excellent Daily Readings – the Early Church Fathers by Nick Needham
Warmly in Christ,
Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney
P.S. Are you a fan of Bluey? Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you want to grow in wisdom? Andrew Errington, the Rector of Newtown, has published this - "Forgiveness for the foolish: Easter reflections on 'Bluey' and the gentle call of wisdom" - on the ABC's Religion and Ethics website.