Epic Reading of the Gospel of John

MEDIA RELEASE: Epic Reading of the Gospel of John

On Saturday 7th September, at 3:30pm, St Andrew’s Cathedral will host an ‘Epic Reading’ of the entire Gospel of John, in our atmospheric Chapter House, off Bathurst Street, Sydney.

The expert reader will be Melbourne actor and author, Simon Camilleri, well known already for illuminating various books of the Bible by his public readings.

Thirty years ago, reading the Gospel of John was part of what changed Simon’s life.

In the same way that you can’t really understand the Lord of the Rings by watching a few short YouTube clips of the movie, Simon says some things can only be appreciated by seeing and hearing the whole.

Watch a sample of Simon reading from the opening chapter of the Gospel here…

Sandy Grant, the Dean of Sydney said:

“The early church compared John to an eagle. As a biblical author, he carried the Word of God powerfully like an eagle. Indeed, in his Gospel, John soars to the heights as he tells Jesus' story.

For believers it will be an act of worship to sit, listen and believe all over again.

For seekers, John does not hide his purpose: he writes so people might believe Jesus is the Son of God, that we might have life.

So listening to this primary document, about the man who changes history, puts you in the box seat to evaluate the life of Jesus with your adult minds.”

Of John’s Gospel, the New Testament academic, Patrick Schreiner writes:

“It begins before time. Before light and darkness. Before creation. The easy style and surface simplicity of John's gospel conceal the depths and profoundness of his writing. Jesus is the new creation, wine, bread, water, temple, well, shepherd, teacher, and Lamb of God…

John offers stories not told in the other gospels. He fills out the picture of Jesus through images and symbols. Like a ladder, John lifts Jesus up to the heavens. But many will misunderstand. So John beckons, ‘Come and see’.”

This unique event could appeal to students of ancient history, English, theatre, and religion.

Tickets are free, but bookings are essential, as numbers are limited.

Light refreshments will be available to purchase in the intermission for a modest price.

Sandy Grant                           Simon Camilleri
Dean of Sydney                      Public Bible Reading                                                     


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