Education on the Voice


Friends in Christ, the Archbishop of Sydney has written to all parish ministers to provide materials written by Sydney Anglicans which he hopes will be useful to you as we seek to fulfil the request of last years Synod to educate all Anglicans about the Voice From the Heart. 

Dr Andrew Errington’s essay was written on behalf of the Social Issues Committee. It specifically seeks to address the Synod motion by reflecting on the Uluru Statement from the Heart, with a generous openness to the proposal for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.

Dean Sandy Grant’s paper titled No, not this way seeks to offer a Christian case for opposing the proposal for the Voice.

I have also included a link to Dr Michael Jensen’s op-ed, first published on The Gospel Coalition Australia website, which offers a Christian case for supporting the Voice proposal.

I am very grateful for these contributions. Each author is irenic, considered and biblically and theologically reflective. To the extent that they opt for one side of the debate, they have done so modestly, expressing that the matter is one that requires Christian wisdom and discernment rather than obedience on a matter of doctrine. They have avoided caricatures of contrary positions, and gratuitously inflammatory language. In this, they set a good model for conversations in our churches and fellowships.

I have also included the statement released by the Sydney Anglican Indigenous Peoples Ministry Committee, and links to the Diocesan Doctrine Commission paper on the Theology of Reconciliation and the report of the Indigenous Ministry Task Force. The latter two papers were received by last years Synod.

The Synod resolved to provide educational resources to Sydney Anglicans. Please make these resources available to your congregations as you see fit.

Please be prayerful publicly about the referendum as a matter of national significance. It is appropriate to pray that all Australians will seek Gods wisdom in coming to their decision, that God would direct our path as a nation, and that charity, respect and affection would be preserved throughout the campaign period and following the vote, whatever the outcome. It is appropriate to pray especially for Indigenous Australians who may feel vulnerable throughout this process, and for whom this matter may be deeply personal. Pray that many of our fellow Australians would turn to Christ and know the reconciliation with God and with one another that can come only through repentance and faith towards him.

Be assured of my prayers for all our churches that the Lord would preserve us in the bond of peace and the unity of the Holy Spirit as we consider the referendum question put before us and prayerfully arrive at our own conclusions.

As underlined by the Archbishop, and as I note in my paper, I, along with the other authors, do not seek to bind anyone's conscience on this matter. I am simply keen to see Sydney Anglicans well served with thoughtful resources. Even more, I am keen to see us prayerful and respectful in our discussions on the Voice referendum.

Warmly in Christ,

Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney


Unity in Diversity?


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