Cathedral Updates


Friends in Christ, 

Recently I was asked about how the Fundraising Dinner for the Cathedral Garden project went. It made me think, more broadly, that periodic updates from the work of the Cathedral's Chapter (i.e. its governing body) might be worthwhile. 

And to go immediately to the question, our Administrator and Lisa are delighted to report that from Dinner attenders and general donations from congregation members combined, we have raised over $110,000 towards the Cathedral Garden. Thank you to all who have given. This goes alongside the initial pledge of $100,000 by the Chapter from its general funds. 

We've still got a long way to go, and to refresh yourself you can read more about the Garden Project here


Another area the Chapter has been considering is that of accessibility in the Cathedral for people with various disabilities.

Kath Cook and Steve Billington, from Chapter, along with several other congregation members, have led a little committee, surveying members and otherwise reviewing how 'user-friendly' our building and ministries are to people with diverse abilities and needs.

There was some kind feedback that in an encouraging number of repsects we were doing OK at being inclusive. But there is clearly a lot more work we can do. Here are the immediate next steps the Chapter has asked us to look at in response to their report. 

  • Large print copies of the service outlines for all services - these are already being made available! Please ask a welcomer if someone you know needs large print.

  • Explore the possible options for “quiet (or quieter) spaces” in the Cathedral, to provide for those with sensory sensitivities.

  • Invite expressions of interest from congregation members who would like to be more involved in serving but feel unable because of disability, can staff cooperate with these members to determine ways of overcoming barriers wherever possible?

  • Determine if the lift to be permanently programmed for use between Ground Floor and Dean Cowper Hall (Lower Chapter House) without the need for a swipe card. 

  • Display the disability access information clearly on the Cathedral website.

  • See how we can organise some training to help congregation members to notice, welcome and care for people with disabilities, particularly those with cognitive, neurodiverse and mental health related difficulties.

Some of these will take a while to implement, certainly while we are below our full staff levels. But there will be even more to do after these steps too. 


That leads me to remind you of coming staff appointments already announced, and to let you know of a new appointment... Already announced:

  • Jonathan Adams (the Healing Service's current Student Minister) is due to start as Assistant Minister on 14 January 2024, with ordination as a deacon soon to follow.

  • The Reverend Rob Elder is due to start Community Chaplain 0.5 FTE in February 2024.

And we are also delighted to advise that Ms Brooke Hazelgrove is to commence as Office Manager on 15 January 2024. She has experience relevant to the position, and is also completing a degree in theology. 

Please pray for all three of these people as they come to a period of change in their life.


Chpter also considered the area of bequests from a variety of angles, but most notably we were delighted to have received a bequest of just over $103,000 from the Estate of the late Patricia Margery Hall. In light of recent priorities and requests articulated by the Archbishop at Synod, and after the Voice Referendum, we determined to be generrous in sharing this kindness such that the bequest be distributed as follows:

  • A gift of $10,000 the Sydney Anglican Indigenous Peoples Ministry Committee;

  • A gift of $10,000 to New Churches for New Communities for its work in new housing areas;

  • The balance to be held for the Chapter’s future use.

The Cathedral has - as a result of bequests in previous year - two small two bedroom units that produce modest but worthwhile rental income. According to the terms of those wills, the income is dedicated towards Cathedral conservation and maintenance, and in one case, also in part towards beautifying the Cathedral, for example, with floral displays for special services.

We are grateful to God for such bequests which have an ongoing impact on our Cathedral ministries, by helping us maintain our very expensive, old buildings (though what we have is a long way short of our needs). 

At our recent meeting, we authorised the distribution of up-to-date advice for anyone considering leaving a gift to the Cathedral in their will. You can access the Bequest Advice here, although you may also want to consult a lawyer in drafting a will. 


Lastly I am just as pleased to tell you as I told the Chapter that I have greatly enjoyed taking another dozen or so people through the Gospel of Luke via the Simply Christianity course, with the fifth and final session this coming Sunday. I encourage every Cathedral attender to consider doing this course some time, in person, or when we run it on Zoom. It's a great way of discovering - or brushing up on - the basics of the gospel of Jesus!

Warmly in Christ,

Sandy Grant
Dean of Sydney


Anthropology the key


Christmas 2023