Anniversary Evensong for Ukraine
On Thursday 23rd February, at 5;15pm, the Eve of the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia (24 Feb 2022), St Andrew’s Cathedral will be holding a very special service of Choral Evensong, praying for the peace and welfare of Ukraine.
John Rutter, composing
Our Music Director, Ross Cobb has included music by Ukrainian composers, performed by a Ukrainian organist, as well as the choral anthem, “A Prayer for Ukraine”, composed by John Rutter, a year ago.
Our Cathedral Choir will be leading the choral responses, and there will be prayer specifically for Ukraine led by our clergy.
All are warmly welcomed.
Musical Details:
Organ Prelude: Silent Prayer: Mikhail Shukh (1952-2018), Alexandra Sidorenko, organ
Responses: Ebdon
Psalm 90
Second Service: William Byrd
Anthem: A Prayer for Ukraine: John Rutter
Боже, Україну храни
Дай нам силу, вірі, й надії
Отче наш, Отче наш
Good Lord, protect Ukraine.
Give her strength, courage, faith, hope. Amen.
Hymn: O God, our help in ages past
Voluntary: Ciaccona: Victor Goncharenko (b. 1959), Alexandra Sidorenko, organ