This Week

(For how to find us and our mid-week opening hours)

Monday 16 September - 5.15pm – Choral Evensong (Cathedral Choristers)
Wednesday 18 September - 6pm – Healing Service livestream
Thursday 19 September – 1.10pm – Organ Recital by Nick Sutcliffe
5.15pm – Choral Evensong
(Cathedral Choir)
Saturday 21 September - 9am - 1pm - Bell ringing (College Youths ringing society)

Sunday Services for 22 September:

  • 8:30am – Holy Communion (BCP 1662)

  • 10:30am – Morning Service, (livestream)

    • * 设有中文翻译 * Order of Service here

  • 5:00pm – Cathedral Evenings,

    • In Bishop Barker Hall - enter via western (rear) end of Cathedral

We run Simply Christianitycourses, during the year; click here to register interest.